The tradition continues: The scientific staff and student assistants of the ITM have once again successfully participated in the annual Leonardo Campus Run. On 14.06.2023, a total of 23 “ITM runners” took to the starting line and ran their laps at the 21st Leonardo Campus Run in beautiful weather, cheered on by the rest […]
Category Archives: General
Job advertisement At the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law, Civil law department will become effective June 1, 2023 and July 1, 2022 respectively 3 Student assistants (m/f/d) with a working time of 5 hours / week wanted. The employment is temporary. A longer collaboration is desired. Two of the positions are externally […]
Our South African guest researcher Gretchen Jansen was able to attend a BVB home match against harder to get an in-depth impression of the football team in Germany, and asked numerous questions about the ITM’s football law activities. On 22 February, she then presented her activities in South Africa in a YouTube interview. More here
At ITM, the second stage of the Uzbekistan Experiment took place on Monday 23 January. Prof. Said Gulyamov and Dr.Mokhinur Bakhramova gave a lecture on cyber security and e-government in Uzbekistan to 100 students in the lecture on information law, via Zoom and YouTube. The audience listened attentively to the insights into the current legal […]
On January 19, 2023, guest researcher Gretchen Jansen presented the research focus of her dissertation to her research colleagues at ITM in a short, informative lecture. Her central topic is the rights of performing artists in the music industry. Starting from the economic and historical origins of the protection of artist performances via the […]
Das ITM kooperiert mit der Taschkent State University in Fragen KI und Recht. Die Forschungskooperation startete mit einem fulminanten Vortrag von Prof. Said Gulyamov and Prof. I. Rustambekov in der Vorlesung Informationsrecht. Das Video zum Vortrag findet sich unter
Herzliches Willkommen für Gretchen Jansen Das ITM freut sich sehr, dass Frau Gretchen Jansen für die nächsten drei Monate als Gastwissenschaftlerin am Institut ist. Sie ist derzeit Dozentin und Doktorandin an der Universität von Stellenbosch (Südafrika). Außerdem ist sie Mitglied des Anton-Mostert-Lehrstuhls für Recht des geistigen Eigentums in Südafrika. Zu ihren Forschungs- und Lehrinteressen gehören […]
In the summer semester of 2023, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren will again hold a Sports Law Seminar. It is planned to hold this again in cooperation with Borussia Dortmund. The seminar will take place as a block seminar in the BVB stadium. Here is the list of topics The preliminary meeting and topic allocation for […]
Auf Einladung des Vereins zur Förderung der zivilrechtlichen Abteilung des Instituts für Informations-, Telekommunikations- und Medienrecht fand am 05.11.2022 das diesjährige Ehemaligentreffen in den Räumlichkeiten des Instituts statt. Institutsdirektor Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren gab zunächst einen Überblick über die laufenden Entwicklungen innerhalb des Instituts. Im Anschluss folgten spannende Vorträge sowohl von aktuellen Mitarbeitern über ihre […]
From October 28-30, 2022, this year’s doctoral seminar of Professor Dr. Thomas Hoeren took place in Emden. 15 PhD students and doctoral candidates presented their PhD drafts in the venerable Johannes a Lasco Library and discussed their research approaches among themselves. During the two days, the focus was on work on copyright in the digital […]