Research Center for Intellectual Property
Due to the increasing importance of intellectual property rights for an innovative and dynamic economy, the Research Center, founded in 1998 and headed by Prof. Dr. Hoeren, has set itself the task of advancing the scientific discourse in the field of intellectual property rights and at the same time acting as an interface between science and industry. Supported by an association of renowned companies and patent attorneys, the research center therefore deals with all questions relating to research and teaching in the fields of patent, trademark, utility model and design law.
To this end, it offers, for example, additional training in intellectual property law led by proven experts, organizes interesting lecture events on current topics at regular intervals, provides information on the latest developments in case law and doctrine and provides the basis for effective academic exchange through numerous collaborations. Further information on the concept and the extensive range of services offered by the research center can be found under the following headings.
Watch the video by Oliver Lampe (former research associate at the Intellectual Property Research Center).
Please do not hesitate to contact Yannick Buchholz if you have any questions or suggestions – we look forward to hearing from you!