Category Archives: General

Successful doctoral examination: Lars Rieck defends his dissertation on tattoos and copyright with top marks

On Monday, attorney Lars Rieck (Hamburg) successfully defended his dissertation on the subject of “Tattooing and copyright law”. The examination took place at Chemnitz University of Technology under the chairmanship of Professor Dr. Dagmar Gesmann-Nuissl and Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren and consisted of a disputation and two short presentations in which he convincingly presented his […]

News at the halfway point of LDE

Who would have thought it? Unexpected success of the new Law of the Digital Economy program! We started with formal commitments from five universities: The new supplementary course on legal issues in European and international data law slowly took off in 2024. It quickly became clear that we had reached the limits of our capacity […]

BGH: Photo wallpaper – new comment by Thomas Hoeren

BGH decides on the copyright permissibility of the use of images of a photo wallpaper. Thomas Hoeren writes in his comment on the ruling of the BGH that the decision is one of the most beautiful rulings of the BGH in matters of copyright contract law. The distinction between contract law on the granting of […]

11th Data Protection Conference of the German Research Network in Hamburg

The team from the Legal Research Unit took part in the 11th Data Protection Conference in the beautiful city of Hamburg. During the atypical but wonderfully sunny weather on the first day of the conference, the team from the DFN Legal Research Unit gained valuable insights. A central theme of the conference was the use […]

Data protection in Tiblisi

15 ნოემბერს მიუნსტერის უნივერსიტეტის პროფესორი ტომას ჰოერენი გამართავს საჯარო სემინარს მონაცემთა დაცვის სამართალსა და GDPR-ის რეგულაციებზე. სემინარზე განხილული იქნება ევროპული და საერთაშორისო მონაცემთა დაცვის სტანდარტები და საქართველოს 2024 წლის მონაცემთა დაცვის კანონი. პროფესორ ჰოერენთან ერთად, ლექციას წარუძღვებიან პერსონალურ მონაცემთა დაცვის სამსახურის წარმომადგენლები: ნიკოლოზ პოპიაშვილი – სამსახურის უფროსის აპარატის ხელმძღვანელი და ანა თოხაძე – საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების, […]

Thomas Hoeren at the University Council

The chairmen of the university councils of North Rhine-Westphalian universities met on Monday (November 4) to exchange experiences. One of the focal points was the recently published draft bill for the NRW Higher Education Strengthening Act. The draft was discussed in detail with the State Minister for Culture and Science, Ina Brandes. As Chairman of […]

CODAIP XVIII and product liability for AI

Thomas Hoeren once again gave his annual presentation at CODAIP, the largest Brazilian conference on intellectual property law and new media, organized by the University of Parana. On November 6, he presented the EU’s latest plans to amend the Product Liability Directive for IT products, with a particular focus on increased liability for AI products […]

European data law

Phew, we’ve done it. Thanks to the active cooperation of all ITM staff, especially Philipp Meyer and the student assistants, the book European Data Law is now finished. It is available for free download at The German version will be published by de Gruyter shortly after Christmas. We are always open to critical suggestions.