On Monday, attorney Lars Rieck (Hamburg) successfully defended his dissertation on the subject of “Tattooing and copyright law”. The examination took place at Chemnitz University of Technology under the chairmanship of Professor Dr. Dagmar Gesmann-Nuissl and Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren and consisted of a disputation and two short presentations in which he convincingly presented his […]
Category Archives: Announcements
Who would have thought it? Unexpected success of the new Law of the Digital Economy program! We started with formal commitments from five universities: The new supplementary course on legal issues in European and international data law slowly took off in 2024. It quickly became clear that we had reached the limits of our capacity […]
In the coming semester, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren will hold a seminar on the “Best of” the ITM. In terms of content, the students should (thematically) deal with the doctoral theses of the ITM scientists. The seminar is expected to take place in August 2025 as a one- or two-day block event on the premises […]
Here is our mascot for the course Law of the digital economy 2024/25. His Royal Highness Barly of Vienna is the good spirit of the course. He what often attending the lectures and always appreciated the content in a friendly noble-like manner. His Highness sends his best regards and wishes for further lessons, so from […]
15 ნოემბერს მიუნსტერის უნივერსიტეტის პროფესორი ტომას ჰოერენი გამართავს საჯარო სემინარს მონაცემთა დაცვის სამართალსა და GDPR-ის რეგულაციებზე. სემინარზე განხილული იქნება ევროპული და საერთაშორისო მონაცემთა დაცვის სტანდარტები და საქართველოს 2024 წლის მონაცემთა დაცვის კანონი. პროფესორ ჰოერენთან ერთად, ლექციას წარუძღვებიან პერსონალურ მონაცემთა დაცვის სამსახურის წარმომადგენლები: ნიკოლოზ პოპიაშვილი – სამსახურის უფროსის აპარატის ხელმძღვანელი და ანა თოხაძე – საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების, […]
Thomas Hoeren once again gave his annual presentation at CODAIP, the largest Brazilian conference on intellectual property law and new media, organized by the University of Parana. On November 6, he presented the EU’s latest plans to amend the Product Liability Directive for IT products, with a particular focus on increased liability for AI products […]
Hoeren/Pinelli, IT Contract Law, 4th edition newly published I am proud: the 4th edition of our book on IT contract law was published yesterday, after the 3rd edition was completely sold out after two years. The handbook deals comprehensively with all aspects of IT contract law. It contains the regulation of IT contracts as well […]
We were able to discuss questions of medical ethics with 18 medical and law students at the Studienstiftung’s Summer Academy in Vienna. Whether it was about abortion, artificial intelligence or the end of life, controversial debates with experts from Austria were the subject of exciting controversies at the JUFA Hotel in Vienna at the beginning […]
Professor Dra. Angela Kretschmann (Brazil) gave a highly inspiring lecture on current problems of Brazilian copyright law to more than 40 students and lawyers on July 1, 2024. She also dealt in detail with legal problems caused by AI and fundamental ethical and political issues of intellectual property law. Doctorate in Law from the University […]
Today we are pleased to announce the start of the registration phase for the new additional Law of the Digital Economy (LDE) course. Registrations are now open until September 30, 2024 at the following link https://www.itm.nrw/seminare/zusatzausbildung-law-of-the-digital-economy/ possible. All information and materials on LDE can be found here and in the introductory video by Professor Hoeren […]