Associate Professor in Criminal Law and Criminology
Departamento de Derecho Penal y Procesal.
Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Sevilla.
C/Enramadilla, 18-20. 41018.
Sevilla. Spain.
-PhD in Criminal Law. University of Malaga (2009).
Dissertation: “The Distinction between Criminal Law and Administrative Law Sanctions. A Criminal Policy Approach.”
-University Degree in Law. University of Malaga (1999).
-University Expert in Crime and Public Security. Andalusian Institute of Criminology. Malaga.
–Associate Professor in Criminal Law and Criminology (2013-). University of Seville. Law School. Department of Criminal and Procedural Law.
Teaching of Courses: Double Degree in Law and Public Management and Administration: International Criminal Law; Degree in Criminology: Institutions of Penal Control System, Crime Prevention; Degree in Law: Criminal Law. General Section; Master of Advocacy: Criminal Procedural Law Practice, Criminal Law Practice; Longlife Learning Center’s Course for Private Investigators: Criminology.
–Ph. D. Assistant Professor in Criminal Law (2010-2013). University of Seville. Law School. Department of Criminal and Procedural Law.
Teaching of Courses: Degree in Law: Criminal Law I; Criminal Law II; Criminal Law III; International Criminal Law; Degree in Criminology: Institutions of Penal Control System; Crime Prevention; Bachelor in Public Administration: Criminal Law of Public Administration.
–Assistant Professor in Criminal Law (from 2005 to 2010). University of Seville. Law School. Department of Criminal and Procedural Law.
Teaching of Courses: Degree in Law: Criminal Law I; Criminal Law II; Bachelor in Public Administration: Criminal Law Of Public Administration.
-Professor-Researcher in the Andalusian Institute of Criminology from 2001 to 2008. University of Malaga.
Grants and Stays
-Researching Grant from University of Seville. Visitor to the Faculty of Law. University of Cambridge. 10th July-31st October 2011.
-Researching Grant from Spanish Government. November 2004/July 2005. University of Granada. Law School. Department of Criminal Law.
-Researching Grant from Spanish Government. June 2000/June 2004. University of Malaga. Law School. Department of Criminal Law.
-Researching Grant from Spanish Government. July 2003/October 2003. Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law & Comparative Law Institute. Albert-Ludwig University. Freiburg. Germany.
-Researching Grant from Spanish Government. July 2002/October 2002. Department of Criminal Law. School of Law. Johannes Gutenberg University. Mainz. Germany.
-Collaboration Grant for Students from Spanish Government. Department of Criminal Law. School of Law. University of Malaga. September 1998-June 1999.
Research Projects
-Researcher for University of Malaga: “The Evolution of Western Criminal Justice Policy in a World of Progressive Social Exclusion”. 2013 to present. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports
-Researcher for University of Malaga: “Community Safety Approach of Criminal Policy: Slants, Indicators and International Spreading”. January 2010-December 2012. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education.
-Researcher for University of Malaga: “The Law and Order Approach as Inspiring Criteria for Criminal Justice Policy”. (SEJ2006-07242/JURI). December 2006-December 2009. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education.
-Researcher for University of Malaga: “Theory and Practice in Criminal Law Making” January 2003-December 2006. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Education.
-Researcher for University of Granada: “Criminal Law and immigration” (BJU 2001-3058). June 2001-June 2005. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Education.
-Researcher for University of Malaga: „Illicit Practices in the Construction Industry: vulnerability to organized crime and corrupt agents in urban construction and planning” (2001/FAL/168). February 2002-June 2003. Funding: European Union. Falcone Program.
-Researcher for University of Malaga: „Irregular Practices in Public Administration: Some Criminological and Criminal Law Aspects on Public Officials Corruption„. (PB98-1400) December 1999-December 2002. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (DGYCIT).
PUBLICATIONS (in Spanish, unless indicated otherwise)
-Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “Penalties in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court”, in Polaino Navarrete, Miguel et al.: “International Criminal Law”. Digital @tres Publishing. Seville. 2013. (pp. 139-150)
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “The Prosecutor vs. Lubanga. Analysis of the First Case before the International Criminal Court”, in Polaino Navarrete, Miguel and others: “International Criminal Law”. Digital @tres Publishing. Seville. 2013. (pp. 265-290)
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “Punitive Power of State and Sanctioning Power Of Public Administration” in Polaino Navarrete, Miguel et al: “Criminal Law Of Public Administration”. Digital @tres Publishing. Seville. 2012. (pp. 43-64)
-Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “Criminal Law Of Public Administration and Disciplinary Power of Public Administration” in Polaino Navarrete, et al.: “Criminal Law Of Public Administration”. Digital @tres Publishing. Seville. 2012. (pp. 65-85)
-Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “Intellectual & Industrial Property Offences” in Polaino Navarrete, Miguel et al.: “Lessons of Criminal Law. Special Section. Volume II”, Tecnos Publishing. Madrid. 2011. (pp. 145-164)
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “Offences Against Market and Consumers”, in in Polaino Navarrete, Miguel et al.: “Lessons of Criminal Law. Special Section. Volume II”, Tecnos Publishing. Madrid. 2011. (pp. 165-188)
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “The Distinction Between Criminal Law and Administrative Law Sanctions. A Criminal Policy Approach”, Tirant lo Blanch Publishing. Valencia. 2010 (pp. 1-557).
Referred Journal Publications
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: “End-User Piracy as a Crime”. Cuadernos de Política Criminal 107. 2012 (pp. 223-269).
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: The Law and Order Approach to Criminal Law in the Administrative Sanctioning System (English). Electronic Review of the International Association of Penal Law. REaDIP 2011/e-RIALP 2011 (pp. 1-17).
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: The Criminal Model of Law-and-Order in Administrative Law Sanctions. InDret 1/2010 (pp. 1-27).
–Rando Casermeiro, Pablo: The Evolution of the Relationship between Criminal Law and Administrative Law Sanctions in Spain during the 19th Century and the Beginning of the 20th Century. Revista de Derecho Penal y Criminología, 12, 2003 (pp. 141-190).
PAPERS & PRESENTATIONS IN CONGRESS/SEMINARS (in Spanish unless indicated otherwise)
-“Globalization of USA Criminal Policy regarding Intellectual Property: A Case Study”. 14th Conference of the European Society of Criminology. Prague. 09/11/2014. (English)
-“Harm Principle in Copyright Offences”. II Seminar about Criminal Law-Making Evaluation. University of Castilla la Mancha. Ciudad Real. 06/30/2014.
-“Ne bis in idem Principle in Urban Offences”. Bar Association of Malaga. Spain. 01/23/2014.
-“Globalization of Legal Remedies and Penalties Against On-line Piracy”. Seminar of the Interuniversitarian Andalusian Institute of Criminology. Sevilla Division. Faculty of Law. University of Seville. 01/14/2014.
-“Lobbies involvement in Criminal Law-Making about Intellectual Property”. I Seminar about Criminal Law-Making Evaluation. University of Castilla la Mancha. Ciudad Real. 12/07/2013.
-“Globalization of American Criminal Justice Policy concerning Copyright Crimes: Special Reference to End-user Piracy”. III International Congress of Young Researches in Criminal Law. University of Salamanca. Salamanca. 06/18/2013.
-“Planning Breach: a Case Law Analysis”. Criminal Law Conference. Bar Association of Malaga. Spain. 04/29/2010.
-“The Criminal Model of Law and Order in Administrative Law Sanctions”. I International Congress of Young Researchers in Criminal Law. University of Salamanca. Spain. 10/27/2009.
-Member of the Working Group on Criminal Law Making Policy of the European Society of Criminology (since 2014).
-Member of the Research Group “Criminal Law (SEJ116). University of Malaga (since 2013).
-Member of the Research Group “Criminology and Criminal Law” (SEJ307). University of Seville (from 2007 to 2013).
-Invited Speaker at the Master: “Criminal Law and Criminal Policy”. Department of Criminal Law. School of Law. University of Malaga. February 2011; March 2012; March 2013; March 2014.
-Invited Speaker at the Master: “Zoning and Town Planning”. Department of Administrative Law. School of Law. University of Malaga. March 2011.
Invited Speaker at the Master: “Zoning and Town Planning”. Department of Administrative Law. School of Law. University of Malaga. February 2010.
-Participation in the Congress: “Principles and Constitutional Rights in the Criminal Law of the European Union”. Department of Criminal and Procedural Law. School of Law. University of Seville. November 2007.