Prof. Dr. Marcos Wachowicz is currently visiting the ITM. He will stay in Münster for one year to corporate with the ITM researchers especially in the area of copyright and blockchain regulation. He is accompanied by his wife Prof. Dr. Danielle Annonia specialist in the area of refugee law who will use the time to cooperate with Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlacke in the area of environmental law. We are all glad to have them both here in Münster and we wish them a successful and happy year of research in Münster.
Marcos Wachowicz, Professor of Law at the Undergraduate Program at the Federal University of Paraná – UFPR and professor at the Postgraduate Program – PPGD at the Federal University of Paraná – UFPR. PhD in Law from the Federal University of Paraná-UFPR. Master in Law from the Classical University of Lisbon – Portugal. Visiting professor at the University of Valencia – Spain (2015). He is the current Coordinator-leader of the Group of Studies in Copyright and Industrial Law – GEDAI / UFPR linked to the CNPq. Researcher of Productivity of the Araucária Foundation (2014 / in progress). He is an integrated researcher of the Administration and Public Policy Center (CAPP) of the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences – ISCSP of the Technical University of Lisbon / Portugal. He is currently a member of the Portuguese Association of Intellectual Law – APDI and an associate of the Brazilian Institute of Intellectual Property – IBPI, as well as the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science – PR. He is also a collaborator as a member of the editorial board of Editora Juruá, member of the scientific council of the Journal of International Relations in the UniCuritiba Current World, member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Law of the Postgraduate in Law of the University of Santa Cruz do Sul – UNISC and member of the editorial board of the Creation Journal specializing in Intellectual Property in Brazil. Member of the Scientific Council – Referees – of the Journal of Social and Political Sciences of the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the Technical University of Lisbon – Portugal. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Economic and Socio-environmental Law of the PPGD / PUCPR. He is an ad hoc evaluator of the Ministry of Education (INEP-BASIS) of Law Courses. He is a member of the Center of Letters of Paraná. He has experience in the area of Law, with emphasis on Intellectual Property Law, working mainly in the following subjects: computer law, intellectual property, copyright, Information Technology and software law. Author of works: Intellectual Property of Software and Information Technology Revolution. It has several scientific articles published in Brazil and abroad