Thanks to Prof. Dr. Hoeren’s close cooperation with the Börsenverein, seminar participants in Frankfurt will be able to gain a direct insight into the legal practice of copyright and publishing law, as well as competition law and title protection, and to experience the practical relevance and relevance of legal issues that have previously been dealt with theoretically. The knowledge transfer will focus on industry-specific legal issues, such as the introduction of the ancillary copyright for press publishers, legal issues relating to appropriate remuneration in the publishing industry and current case law on the protectability of texts. Another key topic will be the legal assessment of e-books and the related issues of exploitation rights and fixed book prices as well as online exploitation. It will also address the exciting issue of new types of use and, in particular, online use.
These highly topical, sometimes explosive issues can be discussed controversially with experienced practitioners in the field of publishing law as part of the cooperation with the German Publishers and Booksellers Association. In this respect, this seminar offers a valuable platform for the exchange of knowledge between the students, who have dealt extensively and scientifically with the topics addressed in their seminar papers, and the lawyers of the Börsenverein, who, as advisors to their members in all industry-specific legal issues, have accumulated an immensely valuable wealth of experience in these areas of law and whose expertise will be of great benefit to the qualitative training of the students. Practitioners can also benefit from new ideas from the ranks of students. Dr. Christian Sprang, legal advisor to the German Publishers and Booksellers Association, and Prof. Dr. Hoeren therefore agree that a seminar of this kind creates added value for both young legal professionals and practitioners through the exchange between research and practice.
For further information, please refer to the official notice board.