On 19 December 2022, RAin Dr Tina Gausling gave a lecture on “EU and AI law” as part of the Information Law lecture. The aim of the lecture was to give the students an insight into the legal framework for artificial intelligence developed by the EU and to draw a connection to the GDPR.
Dr Gausling, who worked as a research assistant at the ITM and did her doctorate and now works in a large international law firm, began her lecture by giving an overview of the GDPR. She then presented the EU’s strategy on how to deal with data and AI in particular.
Following on from this, the speaker very clearly highlighted the three basic pillars that form the legal framework for dealing with data and AI in the EU (Data Governance Act, Data Act and AI Act). The requirements and problems applicable to the respective regulations were explained in a very practical manner. The AI Act, which is still in the legislative process, was a particular focus of the discussion.
Furthermore, Dr. Gausling brought together aspects of AI and the GDPR and illuminated how the GDPR already imposes certain requirements on the use of AI, but also in which areas the GDPR still has deficits with regard to the use of AI.
Finally, the speaker gave a brief overview of the liability framework for AI systems and how this will develop after the regulations that are still in the legislative process.
The ITM would like to thank Dr Gausling for this stimulating and highly topical lecture. The students were given a very interesting insight into the world of AI law.