On 28 July 2021, Prof. Dr. Dr. Frauke Rostalski gave a lecture on the use of new technologies in the determination of law, which was attended by the project partners of the GOAL project and many other interested ITM staff members. Prof. Rostalski holds the Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Philosophy of Law and Comparative Law at the University of Cologne, is a member of the German Ethics Council and heads a research project on AI certification. She is also involved with the Law and Ethics of Digital Transformation Research Unit at the University of Cologne.
During her lecture, Prof. Rostalski presented the opportunities and risks of the use of AI in substantive law-making and illustrated them with potential future scenarios.
Following the lecture, Prof. Rostalski and the participants exchanged views in an exciting discussion and question and answer session.
Finally, Prof. Rostalski presented the current AI certification project of the KI.NRW competence platform, in which she is responsible for the entire area of “law” (https://rostalski.jura.uni-koeln.de/forschungsprojekte/ki-zertifizierung). The aim of the research project is to use certification for AI applications to ensure technical reliability and responsible use of the technology.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Prof. Rostalski for the great lecture and all participants for their good contributions.
A recording of the lecture can be found here.