The project ABIDA (Assessing Big Data) presented its work at CeBIT in Hannover from March 20th until 24th. The Minister of Science and Culture of the State Lower Saxony, Mrs. Heinen-Kljajić, visited the exhibition area and was very interested in the presented BMBF-funded collaborative project. As an interdisciplinary research project, ABIDA endeavors to resolve the tension between the realization of innovation potentials on the one hand, and the protection of individual and social values on the other. After a stimulating exchange between politics and science, among others about challenges for education sector and effects on the labor world, the visit of the minister ended with a warm thank you from Prof. Forgó, head of the law working group of ABIDA.
Christian Döpke and Nicolai Culik, both researchers at ITM Münster, used their work at CeBIT also as a chance to present the previous results and further working steps giving a talk to a group of international researchers.