On 23.2.24, the annual certificate ceremony for all graduates of the additional training in intellectual property law took place again. The event started at around 6 p.m. with a welcome address by Professor Hoeren.
This year’s keynote speech was given by Dr. Armin Strobel (BMW). He spoke about the “Reform of reverse engineering through the GeschGehG”. In front of an audience of more than 100, the former ITM employee explained the fundamental ideas of his doctoral thesis on the subject, in particular in differentiation to the freedom to reproduce in patent law.
After Mr. Strobel’s presentation, Dr. Claudia Ritter introduced the women in ip e.V. association. Women in ip e.V. is a non-profit association for the promotion and networking of women working in the field of intellectual property. For example, the association has set up its own mentoring program for young female lawyers. Ms. Ritter encouraged people to take a look at the association.
Finally, Dr. Colin Schulz gave a short presentation in which he introduced the REACH Euregio Start-up Center. The Reach Euregio Start-up Center is one of the six centers of excellence in NRW. With unique start-up coaching including workshops, individual coaching, mentoring and the development of a start-up network, the aim is to become the central location in Germany for start-ups. The focus is on creating a sustainable start-up structure, in particular by bringing together different players. Mr. Schulz explained to those present the extent to which REACH supports young founders and how the team also assists with legal advice.
After the presentations, Professor Bühling presented the certificates. Professor Hoeren also honored Joline Pospiech, Anna-Luisa Rode and Tabea Süllwold for the best seminar papers of the year.
All guests and students had the opportunity to round off the evening with champagne and canapés in a relaxed atmosphere at the ITM.