On November 4, the annual ITM alumni reunion took place once again. I was delighted to welcome an overwhelming number of almost 60 participants from 25 years of the Institute’s history. The main focus of the presentations was on the upcoming restructuring and digitization strategy of the institute. In addition, a veteran guest scholar from the Latvian Supreme Court, Mr. Rihards Gulbis, came to Münster and reported on his activities as a consultant for the government and courts. Later, Jan Spittka reported on his exciting work as a lawyer in cyber security cases. Then it was off to visit the Münster Paint Museum, followed by coffee and cake. I was definitely very happy to be able to meet so many important people from my past again. Anyone who feels connected to the ITM as a former doctoral student or employee is cordially invited to become a member of the alumni association for a small fee. I look forward to the next meeting on November 2, 2024.