Additional training and dates

With this additional training, the Research Center for Intellectual Property Law, which is affiliated to the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law, offers a unique opportunity to gain additional legal knowledge in patent, trademark, competition and copyright law. The course is aimed at students of law or natural sciences, minor students as well as trainee lawyers and practitioners who wish to build up or deepen their knowledge in the field of intellectual property law. Practical relevance is guaranteed – our lecturers are lawyers and patent attorneys from all over Germany who work in this field every day.

The training is divided into two sections, which are completed over a period of two semesters. Training begins in the winter semester in which we offer the lecture “Intellectual Property”. The course teaches basic knowledge of patent, trademark, copyright and competition law and ends with a two-hour final exam. The current lecturer is Dr. Jochen Bühling (law firm Krieger Mes & Graf von der Groeben) from Düsseldorf.

The summer semester serves to deepen the acquired knowledge. As part of a seminar on current problems in intellectual property law, the participants deal intensively with a single topic of practical relevance in a written paper. They present the results at a block event during the semester.

In view of the enormous growth in the importance of intellectual property law for lawyers working in business, this additional training offers a unique opportunity to acquire sound basic knowledge in this area of law. The participants gain otherwise rare insights into the everyday work of their lecturers and are thus ideally prepared for a later career in the field of intellectual property.

The certificate, which is awarded at the end of the additional training, attests to an additional qualification that is now more important than ever in order to assert oneself on the job market.

The current dates for this year’s additional training can be found here. You can find the dates for the preliminary discussion of the seminars in the 2012/2013 additional training in intellectual property law here.

Frequently asked questions about additional training

  • 1. who can take part in the additional training course “Industrial property protection”?
    All students of law or natural sciences as well as minor students can take part. Trainee lawyers and practitioners are also cordially invited. Enrollment at the University of Münster is not required. Previous legal knowledge is an advantage, but not essential.
  • 2. are there any costs associated with participation?
    No, participation in the additional training course “Intellectual Property” is free of charge.
  • 3. can the achievements within the framework of the additional training be credited for the university specialization area?
    Yes, the exam can be credited in the focus areas 1, 3 and 5. It is not possible for the seminar performance to be credited towards the area of specialization. By obtaining the certificate, students can also take part of the university’s specialization examination.
  • 4. do I have to register for the additional training? Where can I do this?
    General registration is not required for the lectures offered as part of the additional training. Anyone interested can take part in these, but registration is required for the final exam. If the exam is to be credited both as part of a specialization and for additional training, you must register at WILMA and send an email to For all those who wish to take the exam exclusively as part of the additional training, registration by email to the above address is sufficient; in addition, registration is also required for the seminars, which take place in the summer semester of each year and are limited to a total of 30 participants. Registration takes place during a preliminary meeting, which means that participation in this meeting is mandatory for those interested. The date for the preliminary meeting will be announced in good time on the ITM homepage.”
  • 5. does the seminar have to be taken after the lecture?
    No, there may be other semesters in between. However, at least participation in the exam is a prerequisite for registering for the seminar.
  • 6. is participation in the “Seminar on Industrial Property Protection” mandatory for obtaining the certificate?
    In individual cases, a seminar certificate from other areas of law can also be credited. However, this requires that – the seminar topic deals with issues of intellectual property law – the seminar paper must be at least 15 pages – and a written application for crediting the seminar certificate is submitted. Dr. Hoeren reserves the right to decide on crediting in individual cases.
  • 7. can the seminar performance in intellectual property law also be used to take the seminar performance for the additional training “ITM”?
    No, to obtain both additional certificates, you also have to attend two seminars and write two papers.
  • 8 Who can I contact if I have any questions?
    The contact person is the person responsible for the Intellectual Property Research Unit:

    Shalene Edwards (Research Assistant)
    Phone: 0251 / 83 386 05